End-of-spring gardening tips — How-to guides for direct sowing wildflower seeds, watering essentials for spring & summer, presprouting & transplanting dahlia tubers, dealing with slugs & snails, pruning & feeding citrus and taking cuttings of perennials. Written in partnership with Boring® Oat Milk.
19 Oct | The combination of rain and moisture, mixed with warmth and high humidity in spring is the ultimate recipe for fungal diseases. Find out how to prevent and manage fungal diseases in spring.
Mid-spring gardening tips — How-to guides for climbing plants, pricking out and potting on seedlings, and replanting self-seeded seedlings. Written in partnership with Boring® Oat Milk.
14 Sep | You may be tempted to jump ahead and begin planting your flower seedlings. But it's important to know what ornamentals can be planted in the garden now, and which need to be withheld…
7 Sep | There is much to get excited about once the blanket of winter lifts and spring arrives. But as the garden wakes up, so do the pests that can harm your plants.
Early spring gardening tips — How-to guides for feeding soil, cutting back perennials, sowing flowers for summer, and planting & staking fruit trees. Written in partnership with Boring® Oat Milk.