Creating year-round interest in a compact Scottish garden

Landscape design by Kornelia Pawlukowska-Dible, Hastate Design

Kornelia Pawlukowska-Dible, of Hastate Design, recently undertook a garden revamp in a new housing development located in the village of Balerno, on the outskirts of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Here, we share with you the result – a seasonally inspired garden, with plenty of year-round interest to keep onlookers interested and inspired.

Hastate Design

The Brief

The project began with a blank canvas—an empty, turfed landscape area. The intention was to bring life and vibrancy to what was currently an uninspired outdoor space. A natural plant border was to be established that would result in better privacy for the home.

During initial discussions, it became clear that the homeowner favoured a bold colour palette (including pinks, purples, browns, reds and oranges). They also asked to incorporate a weeping tree to add visual interest.

Guided by these conversations, Kornelia focused on selecting plants that offered a variety of shapes, textures, forms and heights. She was inspired to create a detailed collage that illustrated her creative vision – a process she thoroughly enjoyed! The collage assisted the homeowner to envision how her future garden would look, and the way the selected plants and elements would develop through the seasons.

Kornelia acknowledged the challenge of placing the various perennials, shrubs, plants and trees in a way that would seamlessly blend a range of colours and forms. Her approach involved juxtaposing various shapes and colours of flowers, such as the umbel-shaped Achillea ‘Desert Eve Terracotta’ and the spiky Veronica spicata ‘Ulster Blue Dwarf’ to ensure a balanced composition. 

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Hastate Design | Achillea 'Desert Eve Terracotta' and Veronica spicata 'Ulster Blue Dwarf'
Achillea ‘Desert Eve Terracotta’ and Veronica spicata ‘Ulster Blue Dwarf’ | Photographed in summer

The Transformation

Where once there was a vast expanse of turf that demanded your focus, now your eye is drawn to a natural display of colours and textures.

Kornelia shared the important process she undertook to select plants for the perennial border that would have interest year-round – she chose plants either for their colour ( in spring and summer) or their faded, skeletal form (in autumn and winter).

In spring and summer, there are many vibrant plantings on display, which eventually give way to the fruits, berries, Japanese anemones, dried stems, and seed heads that define the garden in autumn and winter.

“This approach highlights the importance of embracing the changes that nature delivers, and trains the eye to appreciate the fading look of perennial plants and their winter appearance,” reflects Kornelia.

The homeeowner’s preference for a weeping tree led to the inclusion of the small Malus ‘Royal Beauty’. This tree’s deep red and purple flowers in April and May (spring in Scotland) are closely followed by dark-purple fruits in autumn.

Two Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii ‘Profusion’ shrubs were planted. These shrubs develop purple-orange and bronze foliage, and produce clusters of stunning, metallic-purple berries in autumn.

Additionally, Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ grass was planted along the fencing to provide screening and privacy. Growing to about 1.8 meters, this tall ornamental grass maintains visual interest with its straight, light-yellow stems, adding vertical accents to the garden in autumn and winter.

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The garden photographed in spring
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The garden photographed in summer
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Winter berries, photographed during winter
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Kornelia reflects on the joy she felt throughout the creative design process for this project.

The Result

Though only a small space, this garden area has been optimised and used to its full potential. The garden has a natural charm to it that stands out amongst the surrounding housing development it resides in.

The design not only looks great but has also created a lively space that attracts a variety of pollinating insects.

The homeowner’s words capture the garden’s transformation:

“I moved into a new build with an expanse of raw green turf. Kornelia has transformed this into a colourful and interesting garden – something I could never have achieved. There are shapes and colours and perfumes that provide interest all year round, and the place is bee heaven. Knowing nothing about caring for a garden, I have really appreciated the support and learning Kornelia has proved as part of the development of the garden – equipping me with the skills to care for it… The results are beyond what I could have hoped for.”

Key Plant List

  • Achillea ‘Desert Eve Terracotta’
  • Calamagrostis × acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’
  • Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii ‘Profusion’
  • Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’ 
  • Hylotelephium telephium ‘Purple Emperor’ 
  • Knautia macedonica
  • Lychnis coronaria 
  • Malus ‘Royal Beauty’
  • Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’
  • Prunella grandiflora ‘Loveliness’
  • Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’
  • Sesleria autumnalis 
  • Verbena hastata f. rosea ‘Pink Spires’ 
  • Veronica spicata ‘Ulster Blue Dwarf’
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The colours and plant combinations in this garden border resemble an impressionist painting | Photographed in autumn
Landscape design by Hastate Design
Hastate design perennial rich gardens by combining our unique knowledge of plants with artistic sensitivity.