Potted colour | Plant combos for winter & spring pots

Winter and spring pot planting inspiration.

Planting in pots for winter and spring is a gorgeous way to add colour to your decks, patios and entrance ways.

A mixture of annuals, perennials and bulbs work well – so there is always something interesting on show.

If you were organised in autumn, small pots full of bulbs are absolutely delightful for springtime – and when they’re done flowering, you can move them to somewhere unseen until next spring!

Some plant combo ideas for winter & spring pots:

  • Heuchera, pansies and tulips
  • Hellebores, succulents and miniature ivy
  • Pansies or viola en masse
  • Geranium and succulents
  • Hellebores, heuchera and pansies
  • Lobelia and geraniums
Potted colour winter gardening
Potted colour winter gardening
Potted colour winter gardening
Potted colour winter gardening
Spring bulbs in pots
Hellebore in pot

Potted inspiration

One of our Gardening Series members, Pip Kayser, has got some gorgeous pot combos going on in her garden. Below are some photos of her pots through the seasons, with her planting combinations noted.

Pip’s pots

(Pip’s commentary on her planting combinations – photos are below)
Winter pots —

I’ve got Philadendron ‘Xanadu’ (an odd choice, but I had it lying around and I’ve grown to like it here!), Alyssum, Convolvulus cneorum ‘silverbush’, Cyclamen, ornamental kale.

Autumn container

Convolvulus cneorum ‘silverbush’, Cyclamen, Alyssum, Stachys (Lamb’s Ears) and Coleus (which didn’t last long but Actaea ‘Black Negligee’ or Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Ravenswing’ would have been a good choice for a burgundy thriller that would have lasted better).

Summer pot

Iresine herbstii, Convolvulus ‘silverbush’, stachys, Degonia ‘Double Up White,’ and white, frothy Lobelia on the other side.
