Mid-spring gardening tips — How-to guides for climbing plants, pricking out and potting on seedlings, and replanting self-seeded seedlings. Written in partnership with Boring® Oat Milk.
Early spring gardening tips — How-to guides for feeding soil, cutting back perennials, sowing flowers for summer, and planting & staking fruit trees. Written in partnership with Boring® Oat Milk.
This process is ideal for seeds that require cold stratification to germinate. The milk bottles act like a mini greenhouse, allowing light in and protection from the weather - but subjects the seeds to freezing temperatures too.
12 April | It's time to muster that last bit of energy to save a few seed heads from your most treasured plants. Next spring, those little gems are the ticket to a flourishing garden once again.
Seed sowing is one of the most important jobs in the autumn garden. It’s time to sow winter vegetables and hardy annual flowers. This autumn seed sowing guide outlines what to sow in your autumn garden and the methods you can use to guarantee successful germination.