End-of-spring gardening tips — How-to guides for direct sowing wildflower seeds, watering essentials for spring & summer, presprouting & transplanting dahlia tubers, dealing with slugs & snails, pruning & feeding citrus and taking cuttings of perennials. Written in partnership with Boring® Oat Milk.
Mid-spring gardening tips — How-to guides for climbing plants, pricking out and potting on seedlings, and replanting self-seeded seedlings. Written in partnership with Boring® Oat Milk.
This project, led by permaculturist Ben Shaw, transformed part of a rural property into a thriving market garden. It now provides sustainable food for eight families, supporting a small community’s way of living and eating.
Take a walk through the garden-to-table experience that is St Georges Restaurant - a family run affair where ingredients are sourced direct from the gardens onsite.
Early spring gardening tips — How-to guides for feeding soil, cutting back perennials, sowing flowers for summer, and planting & staking fruit trees. Written in partnership with Boring® Oat Milk.
ØsterGRO is an urban rooftop farm in Copenhagen that grows organic produce, and runs a year-round restaurant. It exists to bridge the gap between rural and urban dwellers.